Yvan Arpa, un créateur avant-gardiste.
Paris Match Suisse, Nathalia L. Brignoli

Yvan Arpa a fondé ArtyA en 2009. La marque de haute horlogerie est reconnue depuis pour sa créativité hors normes et ses montres uniques.

In 2016, Yvan Arpa designed the smartwatch Gear S3 for Samsung, which is the first smartwatch using high-end watchmaking codes.
He also presents the Samsung Gear S3
in Berlin, at its International Launch Event.
See full video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQOztRkkN4U
of the Samsung Gear S3
In 2009 Yvan Arpa created his own company ArtyA. The ArtyA Trademark is synonymous with the highest Quality, Innovation, Creativity and Avant Garde Concepts.The brand is characterized by
the unconventional raw materials it uses
as butterfly wings, real bullets, fossilized dinosaur droppings, real spiders, boxes strucked by lightning, tobacco leaves etc
Ceo and creator of artya

”At first glance, this project might seem a bit like a provocation but in fact, it is truly a gesture of gratitude, a homage
to long-standing Swiss watchmaking tradition. One’s heritage evolves through time, as it must, and tradition loses
its meaning when it no longer moves forward. It’s important to continue to innovate, and to build something new
for the next torchbearers.
– Yvan Arpa
Q&A Watches
" Five famous melted-down fine watches to create a new watch ! "

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